

  1. Zulfikhar A. Ali,* Sharma S. R. K. C. Yamijala,* and Bryan M. Wong*
    “A Review of Emerging Photo-Induced Degradation Methods for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Water.”
    Submitted (2023).
  2. Shixun Wu, Yujia Zhai, Jinyang Liu, Jiajun Huang, Zizhe Jian, Bryan M. Wong, and Zizhong Chen
    “Anatomy of High-Performance GEMM with Online Fault Tolerance on GPUs.”
    Submitted (2023).
  3. Yujia Zhai, Elisabeth Giem, Kai Zhao, Jinyang Liu, Jiajun Huang, Bryan Wong, Christian Shelton, and Zizhong Chen
    “FT-BLAS: A Fault Tolerant High Performance BLAS Implementation on x86 CPUs.”
    Submitted (2023).
  4. Hyuna Kwon, Anshuman Kumar, Mauro Del Ben, and Bryan M. Wong*
    “Electron/Hole Mobilities of Periodic DNA and Nucleobase Structures from Large-Scale DFT Calculations.”
    Journal of Physical Chemistry Baccepted, in press (2023).
  5. Kota Hanasaki, Zulfikhar A. Ali, Min Choi, Mauro Del Ben, and Bryan M. Wong*
    “Implementation of Real-Time TDDFT for Periodic Systems in the Open-Source PySCF Software Package.”
    Journal of Computational Chemistryaccepted, in press (2023).
  6. Honglie Ning, Omar Mehio, Chao Lian, Xinwei Li, Eli Zoghlin, Preston Zhou, Bryan Cheng, Stephen D. Wilson, Bryan M. Wong, and David Hsieh
    “Light-Induced Weyl Semiconductor-to-Metal Transition Mediated by Peierls Instability.”
    Physical Review Baccepted, in press (2022).
  7. Bishal Boro, Mrinal K. Adak, Sohag Biswas, Chitra Sarkar, Yogendra Nailwal, Abhijit Shrotri, Biswarup Chakraborty*, Bryan M. Wong*, and John Mondal*
    “Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation Performance in an Extended Porous Organic Framework with a Covalent Alliance of Distinct Ru-Sites.”
    Nanoscale14, 7621-7633 (2022)[pdf]
  8. Aishah AL-Naghmaisha, Hassen Dakhlaoui, Taher Ghrib, and Bryan M.Wong*
    “Effects of Magnetic, Electric, and Intense Laser Fields on the Optical Properties of AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum Wells for Terahertz Photodetectors.”
    Physica B: Condensed Matter635, 413838 (2022)[pdf]
  9. Adrian P. Dieguez, Min Choi, Xinran Zhu, Bryan M. Wong, and Khaled Z. Ibrahim
    “ML-based Performance Portability for Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory in HPC Environments.”
    SC’22: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysisaccepted, in press (2022).
  10. Yuanqi Gao, Xian Wang, Nanpeng Yu, and Bryan M. Wong*
    “Harnessing Deep Reinforcement Learning to Construct Time-Dependent Optimal Fields for Quantum Control Dynamics.”
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physicsaccepted, in press (2022).
  11. Zhen Liu, M. Belén Oviedo, Bryan M. Wong, and Christine M. Aikens
    “Plasmon-Induced Excitation Energy Transfer in Silver Nanoparticle Dimers: A Real-Time TDDFTB Investigation.”
    Journal of Chemical Physics61, 850-8529 (2022)[pdf]
    – Selected by the editors to appear in the Advances in Modeling Plasmonic Systems Special Topic of the Journal of Chemical Physics
  12. Sujan Mondal, Niket S. Powar, Ratul Paul, Hyuna Kwon, Nitumani Das, Bryan M. Wong*, Su-Il In*, and John Mondal*
    “Nanoarchitectonics of Metal-Free Porous Polyketone as Photocatalytic Assemblies for Artificial Photosynthesis.”
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces14, 771-783 (2021)[pdf]
  13. Xuezhi Ma, Qiushi Liu, Ning Yu, Da Xu, Sanggon Kim, Zebin Liu, Kaili Jiang, Bryan M. Wong, Ruoxue Yan, and Ming Liu
    “6 nm Super-Resolution Optical Transmission and Scattering Spectroscopic Imaging of Carbon Nanotubes Using a Nanometer-Scale White Light Source.”
    Nature Communications12, 6868 (2021)[pdf]